About the University
The University is one of the leading technical education institutions in the Republic of Belarus and it provides training for the graduation of engineering personnel and higher scientific qualification personnel for such branches of industry as mechanical engineering, metallurgy, power engineering, economy, radio electronic engineering and information technologies. In accordance with special permit (license) to provide educational activity issued by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus the University provides instruction in 21 specialities of the first level of higher education (for a Diploma of Higher Education), in 8 specialities of the second level of higher education ( for a Master’s Degree), in 9 specialities for a Ph.D. and Doctor’s Degrees, 18 specialities for retraining people with higher education and also pre-University training for students of high and high specialized education institutions.
About 10 000 people work and study at the University. There are 7 faculties and 1 institute, including Mechanical Engineering, Power Engineering, Technological, Economic and Humanities, Automation and Information Systems, Correspondence, Preparatory (Pre-University), Up-Grading and Retraining Institute.
At 28 Departments of the University 400 highly qualified teachers work including 160 educational specialists having higher academic degrees and titles. There is a Specialized Examining Board at the University awarding higher degrees by thesis in two specialities. During forty years period the number of engineers graduated amounted to about 15 000 with about 100 Ph.D. and Doctors among them. At present the University has 4 buildings for classes including laboratory building for heavy equipment and 3 students’ hostels with all modern conveniences.
Medical servicing of students is provided at two first aid stations equipped with all necessary equipment. There are 2 cafes (140 places) and a cafeteria for students and employees and 2 cafeterias at the students hostels. Sports facilities of the University include game and training halls, open sports grounds, gym halls.
The University library stocks over 550 000 volumes of literature and enables the subscription to scientific journals. Electronic catalogue of the library, electronic library and other databases are offered to the users of local computer network of the University. The library also provides user’s access to the Internet resources and full text databases of scientific periodicals.
The University has its own publishing center which provides publishing educational, scientific, popular science, production-practical and reference literature and making forms and other polygraphic products. It also enables to sell by retail books , magazines, journals and stationary articles. Scientific and practical journal “Vestnik of the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel” included on the list of Supreme Certification Commission for publishing dissertation thesis in engineering for higher degrees is published. The University newspaper “Sushka” is printed presenting the material reflecting the life of the University and its departments.
The University participates in governmental and intercollege scientific and technical programs and is involved in cooperation in the fields of education and science with the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (the city of Trieste, Italy) Trieste and Padua Universities, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (the city of Doubna, Russia), Institute for Low Temperatures and Structural Study of the Polish Academy of Science (the city of Wroclaw, Poland), the National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Kiev Polytechnic Institute” and a number of other foreign establishments and educational institutions.
Biannual International Scientific and Technical Conference “Present-Day Problems of Engineering Science” is held at the University representing scientific readings in memory of P.O.Sukhoi. Additionally, International Conferences “Mentality of Slavs”, “Strategy and Tactics of Developing Production and Economic Systems" and other are held periodically.