Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel

International Relations Department

International Relations Department officers:


Head of the International Relations Department:  Natalia Zhuravskaya


Specialist of the Department: Eugeniy Karpov


Specialist of the Department: Valeriya Romaniuk


Specialist of the Department: Кlimova Marina

Major goals of the International Relations Department:

  • Development and improvement of international relations of the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel;
  • Coordination of  the University departments performance for the fulfillment of  the University obligations according to bilateral cooperation agreements with foreign partners;  
  • Education internationalization.

Major activities:

  • Establishing and developing partnership relations with  higher education and research institutions  of  foreign countries, preparing bilateral agreements for cooperation in the sphere of  education, science and culture;
  • gathering, analyzing and disseminating the information on  international academic, research and educational programs, international conferences, forums and seminars;
  • information and methodic support of  international projects involving employees and students of the University;
  • arranging  University staff’ and students’ business trips abroad;
  • organization of admission of foreign nationals to the University and  their stay in the Republic of Belarus during the period of studies.

Contact Information

Address: Pr.Octiabria, 48,  Room 1-517, Gomel, 246029, Republic of Belarus
Tel.+ 375 232 25 20 99
Fax  + 375 232
26 02 87

Working Hours: 08-00 - 12-00, 13-00 - 17-00

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