Council of Young Scientists
The Council of Young Scientists is established with the purpose of assisting young researchers in their professional activity, organization of information exchange between national and international higher education institutions, research centers and popularization of latest achievements of science and engineering.
Areas of Activity
- Rendering assistance to graduate and post-graduate students in studying for the Master’s, Ph.D. and Doctor’s Degrees and also to young specialists in conducting research;
- arranging of participation of young researchers in scientific conferences;
- conducting contests of research works among young scientists of the University;
- arranging lectures of known scientists and seminars to improve scientific and professional level of young scientists.
Information and Publishing
- Establishing and maintaining scientific relations with higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus and leading organizations in the country and abroad;
- contributing to publishing materials of conferences, scientific seminars and schools of young scientists, monographs, scientific, training and methodic literature;
- popularization of research activity of young scientists in mass media;
- informing about the activity of the Council of Young Scientists in mass media.
Organizational Activity
- Presenting scientific, labor and social interests of young scientists in the University Council and Trade Union Committee and also at various public and scientific organizations;
- rendering assistance to young scientists in solving living conditions problems;
- organization of recreation, arranging cultural and sports events for the young scientists of the University.
Contact Information:
Mailing Adress: Prospect Octiabria, 48, 246746 Gomel, Republic of Belarus
Tel: (+375 232) 21 43 73, Fax: (+375 232) 26 02 87