Mechanical Engineering Faculty

Dean of the Faculty - Maryna G. Gegedesh, Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Telephone: (+375 232 ) 23 46 07
Address: Pr.Octiabria, No 48, Gomel, 246746, Republic of Belarus
The Faculty has 7 Departments, computer classes, research laboratories.
The Faculty provides students with training in the following specialities:
- Mechanical Engineering Technology.
- Industrial Robots and Robotic Systems.
- Hydro-Pneumatic Systems of Mobile and Technological Machines.
- Oil and Gas Fields Exploitation and Development.
- Automation of Technological Processes and Productions.
Graduates of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty apply their knowledge at machine building enterprises, at special design offices and research institutes and also at home University.
From 2005 training international students from foreign countries has been started at the Faculty.
Over 6 000 specialists of high qualification and production managers have graduated from the Faculty during the whole period of the Faculty operation who work not only in many corners of our country but also far beyond its borders.
More than 700 students study at the Faculty at present.