International Projects
Current projects:
1. Enhancement of Lifelong Learning in Belarus (BELL, Erasmus+)
Completed projects:
1. Fostering Knowledge Triangle in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova (TEMPUS IV).
3. Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education (TEMPUS IV).
Current projects:
1. Enhancement of Lifelong Learning in Belarus (BELL, Erasmus+)
The project is being realized since 2017 within the European Commission program ERASMUS+. Within the project GSTU is taking part in the consortium of educational and research institutions from Belarus and from the countries of the European Union. The project coordinator is the Rezekne Academy of Technology (Rezekne, Latvia).
Within the project the GSTU working group will fulfill the following tasks:
- Participation in the development of the educational portal;
- Development of educational programs for the distance learning in distance learning, financial literacy, information technologies;
- Development of the educational materials for the programs mentioned and its further publication on the educational portal;
- Participation in the coordination meetings, seminars and trainings in accordance with the plan of the project.
The Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel is one of the authors and implementing partners of the Project . Leading organization of the Project is Chernihiv National Technological University (Ukraine). In addition to these two scientific an educational centers which at the beginning of 2016 generated the major idea of the Project the relevant organizations and organizations of civilian cooperation of the two countries will take part in the Project implementation: Disna Department of Water Resources (Ukraine), Public organization “Dobrochin” (Ukraine) , Association of Youth and Children “ASDEMO” (Belarus), Gomel Branch of Belgidromet (Belarus), Chernihiv Regional Center for Hydrometeorology (Ukraine), Gomel Regional Department of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus and Chernihiv Regional Department of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine.
General objective of the THEOREMS-Dnipro Project is improving the efficiency
of integrated management of transboundary Dnipro river water resources.
The major expected outcomes of the Project will be the following:
- Improving the efficiency of the system of monitoring of hydrometeorologic and ecologic parameters characterizing the condition of transboundary Dnipro river basin water resources.
- Increased cooperation of the organizations of Ukraine and he Republic of Belarus providing monitoring and information exchange concerning hydrometeorologic and ecologic situation of transboundary Dnipro river basin water resources.
- Increasing the level of public informing and understanding of international issues of the use of water resources and their influence on living conditions and economic activity on the transboundary territories of Dnipro river basin. Within the framework of the Project establishing two uniform automated hydrometeorological/environmental stations ( AHMES) is planned in the places of long-term hydrologic bservations of the transboundary area of Dnipro river (on Belarus side – Loyev hydraulic post, and on Ukraine side - Liubech hydraulic post).
The complex of research and engineering activities of the Project covers the following aspects:
- creation of the sensor system with the set of measurement transducers (level , temperature of water, air temperature, wind speed, amount of precipitation, water quality analysis by the main pollution markers);
- developing an electric power supply system for the AHMES with the use of green energy principles;
- developing the AHMES industrial design;
- capital construction of the AHMES in Loyev and Liubech;
- developing software and algorithmic support for the AHMES;
- developing top information system for distance configuration of measurement/ telecommunication system for each AHMES;
- developing the Web-service for image display and digital presentation of measurement information to hydrological, meteorological services, radiation control and environmental monitoring services of Belarus and Ukraine;
- creating telecommunication system of presentation measurement information in real time on the Web-resource;
- creating telecommunication system for online informing the services of the Ministry for Emergency Situation of Belarus and the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine about dangerous parameter values recorded.
Completed projects:
1. Fostering Knowledge Triangle in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova
Since 2013 the Sukhoi State Technical University has been participating in TEMPUS IV Project - Fostering Knowledge Triangle in Belarus , Ukraine and Moldova (FKTBUM).
General Objective of the Project - Support of the national Ministries of Education of Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine on the issues of better integration of academic education, innovation and research.
The Project is coordinated by Universitat Padeborn, Germany. European Union is represented by Lettische Universität Riga (Latvia), and Universität Zilina (Slovakia). The countries of Eastern Neighbouring Area participating in the Project are Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova. Total number of the Project partners is 22 organizations. The Consortium in the partner countries consists of 3-4 HEIs, research institutes, technology transfer institutions and also national Ministries of Education.
The Republic of Belarus is represented in the Consortium by
- Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (Ministerium für Bildung der Republik Belarus);
- Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel (Staatliche Technische Pavel Sukhoi –Universität Gomel);
- Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Belarussische Staatliche Universität für Informatik und Radi.;
- Belarus State Economic University (Belarussische Staatliche Wirtschaftsuniversität;
- Belarusian National Technical University (Belarussiche Nationale Technische Universität Minsk);
- United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Vereinigtes Institut für Informatik der NASB)
- The Scientific and Technological Association Infopark (Wissenschaftlicher und Technischer Verband INFOPARK)
Since 2013 the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel has been participating in TEMPUS IV ECOTESY Project - Interregional Network for Innovative Development of Ecosystems Technosphere Based on Micro- and Nanoobject Technologies
Goal of the Project - to create a single comprehensive vertically integrated system of innovative development of ecosystems technologies (studying – research – production – maintenance – utilization ) while achieving synergetic effect by using the results of Tempus projects in the field of green technologies and innovation support : UNI4INNO (innovation support) GREENCO (Green Computing), REGENLAW (Energy and Environmental Law) etc.
Objectives of the Project:
- Establishing international network Centers of Innovations in ecosystems technosphere (CIDECS) in Ukraine and Belarus (3 in Ukraine and 3 in Belarus ) and integration with IITN and IPMaster structures. The functions of each center include administrative, financial and technical supporting of eco-innovative projects, training activities for wide target groups (research, education, production companies).
- Development of international web platform CIDECS for collaboration between companies in development and commercialization of programs on eco-innovations. All it includes integration of this platform with the networks of tempus projects in the field of green technologies and innovation support (IITN, IPMaster) in order to achieve synergetic effect on the development of a comprehensive integrated system of inter-regional development of eco-innovations.
- Creating the base for training a new generation of engineering/research staff for eco-engineering. The objective of development the new integrated master program in Micro- and Nanotechnology in ecosystems technosphere is to provide top-quality multidisciplinary education. This program will attend 6 basic modules (BM1 - BM2) and gain a total of 90 credits (which includes pre-diploma internship/practice period of 12credits). In-service training program (4 modules) in the area of innovative micro/nanotech eco-engineering will be developed.
The Project is coordinated by Linnaeus University, Sweden. 17 organizations in all are the partners of the Project. European participants of the Project are the University of Alicante, (Spain), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Danish Technological Institute (Denmark), SmartSure Innovations LLP (United Kingdom), Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). The countries of Eastern Neighbouring Area participating in the Project are Belarus and Ukraine. The Republic of Belarus is represented in the Consortium by:
- Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel
- Vitebsk State Technological University
- Belarusian National Technical University
- A.V.Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute
3. Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education
From October 2012 till October 2015 the Sukhoi State Technical University took part in the international project LA MANCHE - Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education. The Project was financed by the European Commission within the framework of TEMPUS IV Programme. The Project involved 28 partner organizations – higher education institutions and companies from European Union and also from the countries of Eastern Neighbouring Area (Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, France, Great Britain, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine).
The coordinator of the Project was Varna University of Management (Dobrich, Bulgaria)
Belarus was represented by four HEIs - Belarus State Economic University, Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel, Vitebsk State Technological University.
Objectives of the Project were as follows:
- Building governance and management capacity at higher education institutions of partner countries;
- Initiating sustainable dialogue to promote HEI reforms and continuing it with relevant interest groups;
- Stimulating students grassroots leadership initiatives for empowering students to influence decision making at higher education institutions.