Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel

Upgrading and Retraining Institute


Upgrading and Retraining Institute

Viktor M. Tkachev

Contact Information:

Telephone: + 375 232 25 17 20
Address: 246029, Prospect Octiabria, 48, Gomel, Republic of Belarus

Upgrading and Retraining Institute is a structural division of the Sukhoi State Technical University of Gomel. Established on May 2, 1997 the Faculty provides educational and scientific-methodical work on upgrading and retraining managerial employees, specialists and undergraduates of higher educational establishments.

Major areas of Upgrading and Retraining Institute activity:

Retraining managerial employees, specialists, upperclassmen and undergraduates on the basis of higher education for another speciality;

Upgrading managerial employees and specialists with higher education in the specialities and by the profiles licensed by the Ministry of Education.