GSTU Representatives Took Part in Erasmus+ International Events at the University of Genoa
The University of Genoa held 2 important events: Quality of Education in a Knowledge Society International Conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Bologna Declaration and the Seminar for Erasmus+ UniTeLE project partners. The event took place from December 09 to 12, 2019 within the framework of the EU-funded CBHE Erasmus+ project "University Teaching and Learning Enhancement / UniTeLE".
Our University was presented by the Director of the Upgrading and Retraining Institute Yuri N. Kolesnik and the Associate Professor of the Marketing Department Natalia I. Isaichikova.
The University of Genoa is one of the oldest Italian Universities which was founded in 1481. It is located in Liguria region.
The University of Genoa is one of the most valuable cultural and scientific assets of the Mediterranean and northwestern Italy. Today, about 40,000 students, including postgraduates, are studying here. More than 3,000 University students are foreigners. The University includes 5 schools and 23 faculties.
The International events were opened by the Vice-Rector of the University of Genoa Andrea Frucco and the project coordinators: Prof., Dr. Guido F. Amoretti, Prof. Diana Spulber. They spoke in details about the University activity directions, noted that high-quality higher education brought about 30 million euros to the University annually.
During the Conference Yuri N. Kolesnik presented the report “Directions for Improving the Quality of Education in Belarusian Universities” on the research results.
At the seminar relevant issues were discussed concerning the assurance of the modern education quality: from the historical and social approach to the quality of education, to ensuring the quality through accreditation of courses and the development of University policy and academic development of teaching staff.
Representatives of six Belarusian Universities (GSTU, BSU, BrSTU, BSAA, PSU, YKSUG) and Universities of Italy, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Ukraine, actively participated in the discussion concerning the use of active teaching methods in the educational activities of Universities.
The seminar participants studied the active teaching methods used at the Universities of Genoa. The pedagogical techniques of active learning methods which motivate students to independent, proactive and creative learning of educational material were of great interest, e.g. such methods as case study, problem based learning, simulation / role playing, project based learning. The use of the tools for creating presentations, organizing meetings and events and implementing the Mentimeter interactive was also considered.
Due to the rapid development of science, technology and society itself, and the implementation of the Bologna process in Europe, these issues acquire special significance. The main trend is the formation of programs taking into account student's capabilities and the future profession requirements.
The introduction of new active pedagogical technologies, the dissemination of successful and competent scientific experience of European countries will allow to improve the system of increasing the pedagogical skills of teaching staff in Belarus.